Meet the Team

Peter has been a chartered accountant in public practice in excess of 25 years. In that time he has worked with large corporate and government agencies as well as small and medium family businesses.
Peter particularly enjoys helping clients build their businesses and acting as the firm’s trusted advisor.
A father of four, Peter loves outdoor sport with the family including snow and water skiing, fishing and travelling. His favourite hobby is by necessity playing Bob the Builder and other DIY projects such as cooking a good BBQ feast.

Janice was a travel agent in a previous life and joined the firm around 2005 to keep an eye on her husband after her four kids said “enough is enough mum, time for a real job”.
Jan lives for quilting and plastering the office walls with her completed works. She also loves their Kuratau bach and is often seen being taken for a walk by Zeeba the dog.
Jan is the office manager and is often a client’s first point of contact. She manages the work inflow and when complete gets it out the door. Jan is a vital contact for such matters as tax payments and initial queries, pointing clients to the correct Count On Us advisor when necessary.